Welcome to the Quaint Nook

Hello, this is the quaint nook. 

Quaint means something that is unusual but charming, and a nook is a small space that is cozy. 

I intend to post regularly.

I plan to talk at this time about Visual Novels or Writing this is because books have always been my safe space or a nice nook to shelter from arduous days we all have. I overall wish to present  something unusual (quaint) but sweet and cozy as the name I have thought about. I Hope you feel at home here, take as much time as you need.

I, the author or writer go by many names as I keep collecting them. The name I will be often signing off as Chesh Hatter. This is after my fascination on the characters of Alice in Wonderland as those characters I feel a kindred spirit to them. 

I have, since a child, always read books since I was taught to do so even though later than most I learned of the beauty people can show though written word, and since then I have always been addicted to it. Books taught me longer words than I knew and fascinating ones, they showed me worlds and comfort. Books are a therapy of a kind. In the beginning of my high school years I was often found every morning in a nook of the library squirrelled away reading as it was my only way to live, to breath. I’d take many books out often, and found that sometimes with the older books they would be discarded and given for free. This is how I ended up taking over 16 books in one day. When I changed school I realized that I was starting to get some back issues a friend introduced me to written books available on my phone, available for free as it was a site/app that was made so writers could be easier to find to be published, this started me on my journey from the written texts to the more visual texts of fantasy, worlds and the beauty each brings. 

As I became older I became more busy and my eyes tired from reading words and straining my eyes seeing blurry words due to being tired of focusing on the text. I found people who wrote in a different way than that a normal person would know of, I had found a treasure trove of books written not by words but by the beauty of art as well. These are known by many names which people call them Comics (English and American), Manga (Japanese), Manhwa (Korean) among many other names. These are interchangeable words of them however it usually depends on the artist’s choice as well as ethnicity and also the language it is written in. I usually see manga as it is considered to original format of this type of writing. Some of these art pieces have art which is beautiful with a good storyline or an okay one and others aren’t as good art but have the best storylines. Both of which are fascinating and good to read to enjoy. This also shows that someone in that field doesn’t need the best art but just a good enough story that people listen to. I hope one day all the beautiful artists I have seen get their stories heard and hopefully get published. I would love to help anyone experience the love for reading in whichever format it is, of seeing a world in their mind by just words or seeing the breathtaking pieces of storylines or just listening to beautiful stories. Our world is built on stories, we get to choose which ones we listen to or heed whether of warnings or of who we wish to become. 

I hope you have a moment to feel at peace, and maybe you may find it in a book.

Whimsy Wishes,


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